Cedar Roofing - Atlanta l GA Roofing & Repair, Inc. - Residential & Commercial

Atlanta’s roofing specialist, GA Roofing & Repair, Inc., is able to provide customers with a cedar wood shake shingle roof that has a special warmth and elegance in order to put together an architectural look that states classic taste and timelessness. Aside from their aesthetic value, cedar wood roofing products are lightweight, as well as wind and impact-resistant. Western Red Cedar withstands serious freeze/thaw cycles and the natural oils within it resist decay. Cedar is one of the only renewable roofing products on the market today. It’s a truly green product that has a high R-Value to keep your house cool in the summer and warm in the winter, perfect for the eco-friendly household. If you’re looking for a fully licensed and certified installer of cedar wood shake roofing products who is also backed by all major manufacturers, we’re perfect for you! Let us help you with your next cedar roof or repair your existing one.


These shakes have split faces and sawn backs. It is one of the most popular options for cedar roofs because it offers a textured look that can’t be duplicated by imitation products. Common sizes are 1/2″ thick medium shakes and 3/4″ heavy shakes.


These shakes are sawn on both sides. Premium grade is the most common, as it will insure the product is 100% edge grain, 100% clear, and 100% heartwood. These shakes are for people who want a smooth uniform look on the roof but still prefer some thickness to the shake.


This type of smooth sawn, architecturally-uniform cedar roofing shingle is preferred for its natural and tailored appearance and is used on traditional, modern, and non-residential structures. It’s perfect for both roofs and sidewalls.

Western Red Cedar contains natural preservatives that resist moisture, decay, and insect damage. If you want your roofing to last and have total protection against moss and fungi, CCA treatment is available prior to installation.


On June 9, 1915, at a meeting of the Trustees of the West Coast Lumber Manufacturers Association, a branch of the association was established to serve members who manufactured shingles. Our influence grew, and as we survived both the Great Depression and World War II, manufacturers stayed committed to quality and delivering a consistent product. In 1963, the organization merged with the Hand Split Shake Bureau to become the Red Cedar Shingle & Hand Split Shake Bureau. Manufacturers’ product lines continued to broaden and, in 1988, the members changed the organization’s name to the Cedar Shake & Shingle Bureau. In the late 1980s, mill quality control inspections were subcontracted to independent, third party quality control agencies.
Each year, staff members from the Cedar Shake & Shingle Bureau answer thousands of technical questions and product selection queries. Our proud history, quality reputation, and dedicated members provide excellent Certi-labelTM cedar shake and both shingle roofing and siding products.
Certi-labelTM Products
Cedar shingles and shakes manufactured by members of the Cedar Shake & Shingle Bureau (“CSSB”) are the only products labeled with the “Certi” brand name. These shakes and shingles are made by experienced craftsmen who take pride in their trade and the quality of their product. Despite their varying sizes and sometimes remote locations, member mills are bound by a rigid quality code. Unannounced independent inspections conducted by accredited third party agencies ensure that product quality is maintained. Products are inspected to conform with various local, national, and international codes and standards (contact the CSSB for specific details).
Every certified product bundle has the mill’s distinctive Certi-labelTM tucked under the strap. Asking for “the blue label” or “number one blue label” is not specific enough – CSSB members’ products are the only ones with the Certibrand name on the label.


Good workmanship is crucial to the integrity of any cedar roofing system. It’s incredibly important for installers to read over this manual carefully and ensure that they follow proper procedures. CSSB Approved Installers agree to follow the guidelines in this manual. If there are stricter local code regulations, however, they will comply to the more rigid guidelines to ensure that your roof always meets the standard. GA Roofing & Repair can help with your next Cedar Roof Repair or New Cedar Roof installation project. We even offer Atlanta Cedar Roof Cleaning and Atlanta Cedar Roof Pressure Washing services.


Certi-Last shakes and shingles come with a 30 year warranty that guarantees that they do not fail due to fungal decay. The warranties are issued and backed by the treating company and/or the chemical manufacturer. Products are always sold under the Certi-Last trademark when treated to the minimum established standards. Certi-Last products are recommended for use on roofs in the shaded area of the map below, having a climate index of more than 65 as identified in the USDA Forest Service Research Paper FPL 109-1973.

Call the pros at GA Roofing & Repair, Inc. and see why we are rated the Cedar Shake Roofing Company in Atlanta.
